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The main objective of the joint project between Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción and Universidad Católica de Temuco is to implement an innovative curriculum proposal for the initial training of EFL teachers, which is characterised by its curricular flexibility as well as the integration of pedagogical and English language training given the reality of the Chilean educational system. It also focuses on the development of competences based on national and international standards.

Such a proposal was designed as a result of the Curricular Innovation Project USC 0602 “Propuesta de innovación curricular para la formación de profesores de inglés basada en competencias pedagógicas y disciplinares de las Universidades del Bio Bio, Católica de la Santísima Concepción y Católica de Temuco” (Curricular innovation proposal for Initial teaching Teraining programmes based on pedagogical and disciplinary competences  at Universidad del Bio Bio, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción and Universidad Católica de Temuco). The project was carried out from July 2007 to July 2008).

The proposed plan will implement various strategies which will favour student's mobility between associated universities as well as the creation of a system of certification/validation of linguistic and pedagogical competences, taking learning outcomes as a reference and considering the Credit Transfer System (CTS). Innovations of this new design will facilitate student's differentiated curricular advance, implementation of a monitoring system of learning outcomes and a levelling system of both linguistic and ICT competencies upon entrance.

The implementation process requires a teaching development programme for the academics so they can improve student's results in areas such as language, pedagogy and the integration of both. Consequently, teaching and research will be favoured as well teaching development. The ultimate purpose will be creating a significant impact in the Initial Teacher Training Programme in Chile thus favouring equity and quality.



Diseño Web FACEDUC 2010